Master Tough Conversations

Tough Conversations: Don’t expect them to agree with you.

This is a continuation of the series of blogs called: Guiding Principles for Mastering Tough Conversations.

The video

The transcript

Hi, I’m Mark McPherson. Welcome to one of my Guiding Principles for Mastering Tough Conversations.

This Guiding Principle is: Don’t expect the person to agree with you.

Now, as much as we believe that what we’re saying is truthful and fair and reasonable, don’t expect the other person to see it like that. And even if they do see it like that, don’t expect them to actually come out and say it. So don’t expect the person to agree with you.

I see way too many people hone in on: “Now  do you see my point?” So not only is the finger pointing not a good thing to do, but demanding that someone else see your point or agree with you is unlikely to result in a good outcome.

So don’t expect the person to agree with you. It’s rarely a good idea.

Anyway, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, please look after yourselves, look after your friends and family, and I do hope to chat to you soon.

All the very best.