Help an employee improve their behaviour or performance in the workplace

Have you ever had to tell someone ….

Their behaviour isn’t acceptable? Have you ever had to tell someone they needed to do better?

Despite your earlier conversations with them, their behaviour hasn’t improved and you’re taking it to ‘the next level’?

Perhaps it was because they ….

We’re rude to a guest presenter at a staff meeting.

Told you they’d completed a bit of work for you but – as you found out when you had to present it at an important meeting – they hadn’t.

Lied about their whereabouts, what they were doing and their use of the ‘company car’. (Sadly, I had a staff member do this.)

Didn’t tidy up after themselves and left the meeting room or lunch room in a mess.

(As in the case of your teenager) have repeatedly failed to keep their room tidy and help round the house.

Sometimes we need to ‘lay it on the line’

Finding out there’s a problem – through happenstance, observation or some sort of a performance review – isn’t fun. Nor is having to tell someone their behaviour wasn’t acceptable or their performance wasn’t good enough.

Nor is having to explain to them what we want them to do from now on, how we want them to do it and when we want it done. And nor is telling them what will happen if they don’t do it.

But fun or not, many of us have the job – along with the rest of our jobs– of ensuring standards of behaviour are lived up to, and policies and rules are followed. And this means we sometimes have to step up to the plate, look at someone in the face and tell them ‘it isn’t good enough’.

But it doesn’t always stick

But getting the change we’re after, doesn’t always happen. And this leaves us feeling frustrated, stressed and at times a bit depressed.

Of course, sometimes it’s because the person doesn’t want to change or their behaviour is so bad, they have to go. But sometimes it’s because we don’t have the right standards, rules and policies in place – which I acknowledge, mightn’t be our doing.

And sometimes, it’s because the strategies we’ve implemented to get the person to change, aren’t all that good. And this is despite us thinking otherwise.

So this is where I come in

I’ve been around for a long time and I know what works and what doesn’t – and why. Let’s have a talk to see if we’re a good fit or not – or just to get something off your chest if you like. And here’s a quick video to explain a bit more about how I can help.

A short video

When Staff Are Engaged and Productive

Problems are solved, resistance dissolves, and blockages cease to exist. It happens when staff are fully aligned and (more or less) singing from the same song sheet.

But Sometimes Things Don’t Go According to Plan

Cohesive teams can fracture, and harmony might unravel.

It can impact one or more of these areas:

  • It hurts the business overall.
  • It creates friction and distrust amongst work colleagues.
  • It affects customers – they sense that something is not quite right.
  • It affects lenders and shareholders.
  • It may impact the wider community.

This is why it’s vital to nip any problems in the bud – before they get out of hand.

Have a confidential chat with Mark – he is happy to help.