Instil Best Practice Behaviour

You want a workplace where people are productive and respectful.
A place where people interact and communicate harmoniously. But sadly some find it a hard thing to do.
The good news is that Mark can help create an environment where people work harmoniously.
They always put their best foot forward and do their best job. All workplaces should be like this.
Learn moreMaster Tough Conversations

Some conversations are tough. You may need to lay down the law, handle belligerent people, or deliver bad news.
Or you may need to raise a sensitive issue.
Whatever it is, Mark can show you how to get the best possible result for all team members without drama.
All it takes is a commitment to make things happen. Make the decision today.
Learn moreDeal With
Difficult People

Unfortunately, sometimes we must deal with bad behaviour and difficult people.
But much of the advice is too general and sometimes doesn’t work.
Mark’s “been there, done that,” as they say. He knows what works and what doesn’t.
His strategies are simple and practical. They work very well.
Learn more
Can You Relate to Any of These?
“I want to bring out the best in my people, but some of them resist change.
There is too much backbiting, politicking and gossiping in our workplace, but I’m finding it hard to stop it.”
I sometimes find it difficult to conduct tough conversations with difficult people.
Front line staff sometimes encounter problem customers and find it hard to handle them.
Some of my people are not team players.
I have one or two people who, although competent, aren’t a great fit for our culture. I’m unsure whether I should terminate or try to improve them.
I wish my people would take responsibility and show more initiative. But it’s not happening, and it worries me that business growth will always be limited because of this core constraint.”
In a Nutshell: How I Can Help

“Mark has a natural talent for dealing with difficult people and having difficult conversations.”
Simon Van Wyk GAIDC – Digital Strategy Consultants
Mark Has Worked With
- New South Wales Police
- Federal Politicians
- Councils
- Department of Health
- Wayside Chapel
- Family Planning Association
- Sydney University
- NSW TAFE Drug & Alcohol Education Unit.
- NSW Board of Studies.
- NSW Health
- Centre for Education and Information on Drugs & Alcohol.
- Councils
- Various Businesses
A Word From Mark

I started with the difficult people topic. But I realised that dealing with difficult people was often about having tough conversations.
Yet tough conversations were bigger than dealing with difficult people.
Sometimes you must say to people, “Hey, Damien, I’m sorry you didn’t get the job you’re after”. And then I got onto this idea that prevention is better than cure.
Sometimes, It’s the Little Things
Many organisational problems aren’t about people being late to work or being rude or sexist.
But Bill leaves the photocopying machine with ink everywhere. Can I have someone next week to volunteer to do the staff meetings and minutes? It’s the same people who put up their hands. “How can I ensure that everyone works more collegially?”
I thought about it and came up with the term “best practice behaviour”. It doesn’t mean much on a surface level but it means a lot to many people. And that’s what it’s about.
We want people to behave in the office.
No rule says when I come to work with him, I must say, “Good morning, Kim. I hope you had a lovely weekend”.
It’s no rule, but it is nice when it happens.
Every Business Has Blockages. What’s Yours?

Eliyahu M. Goldratt, a business consultant known for his theory of constraints, wrote the best-selling business book The Goal.
Although a work of fiction, the book is grounded in sound logic. It’s a case study in operations management and focuses on the theory of constraints about bottlenecks and how to alleviate them.
The point is that there are reasons or constraints when a business is not reaching its full potential.
Constraints manifest in many ways, one of which revolves around its people, including those who manage the organisation.
So, when managers say that some people don’t seem motivated, there’s a reason.
Likewise, when team members are difficult to deal with, we can ask, “Why is it so?’
One of the constraints to growth may be your people, or at least some of them.
But it’s not just about problem people; it’s also about bringing out the best in the entire team.
One of the top ways to do that is to equip them with more soft skills, such as Difficult conversational skills and influence-building skills. Reach out if you need help.
Bringing Out the Best in People is Often as Simple as This
When people look forward to going to work, they usually do their best. They’re motivated and feel good about the environment, including their work colleagues.
People do their best when they enjoy working with team members. How do we get people working together so we get along with each other?
Key Point: you can’t force people to be nice to each other. But you CAN create an environment that encourages them to enjoy working together.
I call it Best Practice Behaviour; “see you later, John – I’m going home now.” It’s called being nice.
What Others Say About Mark
“Mark possesses an unmatched ability to captivate and engage audiences.”

I am delighted to provide a professional testimonial for my good friend Mark McPherson, an exceptional corporate trainer.
Throughout our friendship, I have witnessed his remarkable skills and unwavering dedication to his profession firsthand.
As a corporate trainer, Mark possesses an unmatched ability to captivate and engage audiences, effortlessly imparting knowledge and skills that leave a lasting impact.
Mark’s expertise in various industries and his deep understanding of organisational dynamics make him a sought-after professional. His genuine passion for empowering individuals and teams to achieve their full potential is what sets Mark apart.
His approach is not only informative but also highly interactive and fun. Mark is a damn good corporate trainer who consistently exceeds expectations.
I wholeheartedly recommend Mark for any corporate training endeavour, and I am confident Mark will deliver exceptional results. Elliot Yancy. Writer, Producer
“Mark has a natural talent for dealing with difficult people and having difficult conversations.”

I’ve heard Mark teaching and mentoring people many times, and his style is always accessible and pragmatic. I used his technique on a business partner who avoided difficult conversations.
The outcome for me was that I saved a lot of time, and it saved me from becoming involved in someone else’s expensive folly.
You can’t escape the difficult conversation, and I think Mark has a great framework to tackle this and is an empathetic mentor to people preparing for these discussions.
Mark has a natural talent for dealing with difficult people and having difficult conversations. It’s a rare skill these days because these conversations are often avoided.
He has a very down-to-earth and realistic approach to the topic and delivers more than he’s asked. Simon Van Wyk GAIDC. Digital Strategy Consultants
“One of the best things about his sessions is how much fun they are”

I observed Mark in action and experienced his coaching numerous times.
One of the best things about his sessions is how much fun they are and how he empowers people to overcome the daunting task of public speaking into an engaging and uplifting experience. Fiona Young. Principal, Hayball, RAIA
“Each person left his session with new skills and techniques for dealing with difficult conversations.”

In my firm, architects are often required to deal with conflict on building sites.
Mark carried out training tailored to the needs of my staff. True to his word, each person left his session with new skills and techniques for dealing with difficult conversations.
Mark was both entertaining and informative. Nick Seaman, Architect
How Mark Can Help
1). Send Mark a Message
If you need quick help, send Mark a message on LinkedIn.
2). 60-Minute Workshop
Mark offers a Free one-hour Workshop titled “Bringing out the Best in People.” For more details, send a message to Mark on LinkedIn.
1). Half-Day Workshop
Mark has developed a 3-hour live and interactive workshop titled “Tough Conversations at Work and Beyond”. In-person or virtual, depending on your location.
For more details, message Mark on LinkedIn.
2). Personal or Small Group Coaching
For more details, send a message to Mark on LinkedIn.
The Cold Winds are Blowing
Or about to.
All of us face threats at one point or another. On the personal front, it could be illness, loss of a loved one or a relationship breakdown.
Businesses face plenty of threats, too. Some are outside our control, whilst others can be managed or overcome.
But if the business is not resilient, it will be ill-equipped to handle adversity when it happens.
And this is where the people issue comes to the fore.
The relationship between you, as a leader, and your employees must constantly be optimised.
Done correctly, a resilient workforce makes for a resilient business.
And the time to start is before the cold winds blow.
What I Believe

“Responsibility equals accountability equals ownership. And a sense of ownership is the most powerful weapon a team or organisation can have.” – Pat Summitt
The biggest asset for a business or organisation is its people. Not machinery or equipment, and not stock or real estate.
These essential items are by-products of the founders’ skills, hard work and vision.
But let’s not forget the people employed in the business. You hire them to leverage your time so you can take the business to the next level.
However, many business leaders have found that forward movement is hampered by things such as
- High staff turnover – some quit after just a few months.
- Low productivity amongst some staff.
- Some team members are difficult to work with.
- Most (or all) team members treat their jobs as a way to pay their bills – they don’t take ownership.
- People not living up to their agreements or directives.
The reasons for this sad state of affairs are many and varied, but we have found that transformational change happens when this core element is in place……
- Your people have assumed responsibility.
When this happens, they become accountable for their actions. At that point, they feel a “sense of ownership” and become treasured members of your team.
When your people take full responsibility, there is no more “passing the buck”, blame shifting or procrastination. They take ownership of the problem and do what must be done.