52 Types of Difficult People / Deal with Difficult People
The 52 Types of Difficult People – a simple list
I started reading about the types of difficult people decades ago. And I quickly realised ...
52 Types of Difficult People / Deal with Difficult People
I started reading about the types of difficult people decades ago. And I quickly realised ...
52 Types of Difficult People / Deal with Difficult People
#41: The Complainer We’ve all complained about something, right? Have you ever said to someone ...
52 Types of Difficult People / Deal with Difficult People
#37: The Patronizer: a devil in disguise. The Patronizer is condescending. How’s your little job ...
52 Types of Difficult People / Deal with Difficult People
#38: The Dismissive type. Dismissive people are real downers. The Dismissive type of poorly behaved ...
52 Types of Difficult People / Deal with Difficult People
This is the 47th blog in which I give a brief overview of one of ...
52 Types of Difficult People / Deal with Difficult People
#52: The Violent type. He caught everyone by surprise He marched in, fired off a ...
52 Types of Difficult People / Deal with Difficult People
#30: The Yes-Addict. When things are bad, we need to know. If a project isn’t ...
52 Types of Difficult People / Deal with Difficult People
Welcome to another one of my blogs in the series “52 types of difficult people”. This ...
52 Types of Difficult People / Deal with Difficult People
The Overloader is unfair and unreasonable. Sometimes our workload is beyond our control. Do you ...